Right now this website is very much a work in progress, construction began on (DD/MM/YYYY): 01/12/2024.

Welcome to the Eternal Now

Home of the Creator's Multidimensional Musings

Hey there internet explorer!

Well, isn't this just incredible? Out of the infinite possibilities that exist throughout eternity, an unfathomably complex chain of events, set into motion by cause and effect has lead us to crossing paths; here and NOW, at this space/time & time/space. (Space in Time, Time in Space)

Is it Fate? Destiny? Or is it simply, Synchronicity at work?😉

Who am I?

I AM a personalised Spirit having a temporary human experience. I AM currently playing the role of the avatar known to you as @ZakkFromSource; an enigmatic spirit exploring the mysteries of consciousness, spirituality, music, technology and the interconnectedness of ALL THAT IS.☯️

Here, you'll find a collection of my projects, musings, and everything else that I'm passionate about.

Piqued your curiousity, have I? 👽 Would you like to learn more about me?